After concluding the Axis Esports League at Level Up KL Play 2019 and achieving a top 8 spot at the recent Mobile Legends M1 World Championship 2019, one might think that Axis Esports would able to have some rest after a very long season. However, it turns out that the local esports organization now have to go through a different kind of challenge. As the story goes, the Axis Esports’ Facebook page has been hijacked by an unknown individual at 5:30 PM on 26 November by an unknown individual who claimed that the company owed him or her unpaid salary. Not only that, all of the Axis Esports’ previous posts were also removed by the hijacker.

While the actual amount of payment was not mentioned specifically inside the original post published by the hijacker, words in the air begin to spread that the unpaid salary was up to 5 months. However, Syed Fakrurrozi, the Director of Operation for Axis Esports has refuted the claim a few hours later and has even posted his private phone number to allow the hijacker to rectify the issue with him directly. It is not known whether the hijacker reaches out to Syed Fakrurrozi but nevertheless, it was then subsequently revealed just one hour later that Axis Esports has decided to open a new Facebook page instead. The following day, the company has stated that it has reported the hijacking incident to the authorities.

Outside of comments from various individuals and Axis Esports’ supporters, things generally went quiet after that. That’s until 12:30 PM today when the hijacker posted a number of screenshots that depicted messages from a number of teams, vendor, and ex-staffer that have reached out to the hijacker regarding outstanding payments. Looking at the main arguments that were posted by both the page hijacker and Axis Esports, the situation still remain locked in a stalemate. As far as we are concerned, there is no clear indication as to which side has the most truthful narration for the time being.

However, there’s one thing we can certainly agree on: this incident is not really helping when it comes to projecting a good image for our esports scene. [Source: Axis Esports (old FB page) – 1, 2 //  Syed Fakrurrozi – 1, 2 // Axis Esports (new FB page)]

Axis Esports Facebook Saga  From Payment Dispute  Now Escalates To Police Report - 91Axis Esports Facebook Saga  From Payment Dispute  Now Escalates To Police Report - 1Axis Esports Facebook Saga  From Payment Dispute  Now Escalates To Police Report - 9