The decision was announced by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi in an order published on 11 August. The order, which falls under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011, was made by chief secretary Datuk Seri Hasnol Zam Zam Ahmad on August 10, with the approval by Alexander Nanta on the same day.

— KPDNHEP (@kpdnhep) August 13, 2020 The minister stated that the further reduction of the maximum retail price is aimed at aiding low-income families, especially those in the Bottom 40th percentile (B40), to buy such face masks for their daily use. Prior to this, KPDNHEP had set the prices of three-ply masks to RM1.50 earlier in March, and would later reduce it again to RM1.20 in July. With this order in effect, the new maximum retail price is set at RM1 or RM50 per box, while the maximum wholesale price is RM0.95 per unit or RM47.50 per box. (Source: KPDNHEP [Twitter] / Malay Mail | Header image: Pexels)